

The path of ChristoSophia is a path of spiritual awakening that leads to the discovery of the divine within oneself and all of creation. It is the path of the inner sacred marriage that unites the polarities of God and human, spiritual and material, and masculine and feminine, within the soul. Our purpose is to follow this path as we seek the inner wisdom that has always been hidden within the Christian church.
The teachings, rituals, and formalized doctrines of the church have always been geared to the needs of the mass populace.We use the metaphor of the interstate highway to describe the purpose of the church. Just as a superhighway facilitates the efficient movement of large numbers of people to a distant city, so the Christian church facilitates the efficient movement of large numbers of people to the City of God. However, just as some people are called by a sense of adventure to leave the monotony of the interstate highway for less traveled, more picturesque byroads, so are some people called to seek the deeper meanings of the faith along the spiritual bypaths that comprise the path of ChristoSophia. It is important to understand that these methods for making the spiritual journey do not have to be exclusive. Just as travelers may use both the highway and the byroads, depending on their purpose at the time, so may we combine our quest on the path of ChristoSophia with participation in the Church.

The path of ChristoSophia is the inner path found within all authentic spiritualities, for truly there are many paths but only one Path. Each religious tradition is an incomplete embodiment of absolute truth, which is too vast to be encapsulated by any form of symbol or doctrine. The human mind can only know and express relative truth. Those who journey on the inner paths realize that the truth encompasses and transcends all of its manifestation in the earthly plane. With the humility that comes from this awareness, we are then free to follow the spiritual path to which we feel most drawn. We must not use our recognition of relative truths as an excuse to evade the responsibility of the journey, for spiritual growth requires that we follow our own individual paths in seeking the higher spiritual truth to which each authentic religion can lead us. As we follow our path to its end, we find the center where all paths converge. Here, in the center, lies the great mystery that the human mind can only begin to glimpse, but never fathom. The paradox is that we can only reach this center, wherein we can experience the inner essence shared by all authentic religions, by taking one of the spiritual paths to get there!
We have chosen the path of ChristoSophia as our approach to the center because it offers a way to resolve the dilemma that we share with many today who realize that our souls are rooted in Christian tradition, yet who feel dissatisfied with the contemporary Christian Church. We believe in the value of Christianity as the mythic container for the Christ-Mystery; this is the mystery of the Incarnation, in which the eternal enters the temporal world and the divine enters human life. Jesus Christ is the model for the fully realized divine potential within human beings. He brings the “Good News” of our divine nature, and calls us to follow him in the task of actualizing our own divine essence. We believe in the power of Christ’s message of love, found in the heart of Christian spirituality, which is so urgently needed in our world today. The path of ChristoSophia provides an alternative for those of us who realize these values and are struggling to develop a personally authentic Christianity that we have not been able to fully achieve within the institution of the Church. We discover the inner mysteries of Christian spirituality that emphasize spiritual experience rather than dogmatic belief, leading to the inner wisdom of gnosis that is to be gained by walking on the path of ChristoSophia.
We reclaim and further develop these inner dimensions of Christian belief and practice by walking on the path of ChristoSophia. One of these elements that is most essential to recover today is the recognition of the feminine aspect of the Divine. The
name of "ChristoSophia” was explicitly chosen because it emphasizes the important balance between the masculine and feminine aspects of divinity. Sophia is the
name given to the archetypal Divine Feminine who lies hidden within the traditions of Christianity. She is the transcendent figure of Divine Wisdom found first within Judaism, where she was viewed as the first creation of God, a co-creator with God, an emanation of God’s glory and power, and an expression of joy and goodness in creation. Many early Christians actually viewed Jesus Christ as the incarnation of Sophia; they preached the gospel of the resurrected Christ as the life-renewing Sophia-Spirit. But as the Christian Church developed and became increasingly institutionalized and patriarchal, the attributes of Sophia that were apparent to the earliest Christians became completely submerged within the figure of Jesus. A major purpose of the path of ChristoSophia is to reveal and express the Sophianic nature of Christ. Instead of disguising Sophia in the male figure of Jesus as did the early Christians, our use of the term "ChristoSophia” assures that the attributes of both are clearly expressed. It recognizes the presence of both Christ and Sophia as Loving-Wisdom. This task is essential on the inner path today that requires us to integrate the masculine and feminine polarities within ourselves. The return of the Divine Feminine to the consciousness of modern humanity is also imperative if we are to deal with the dire problems facing our world today and fulfill our evolutionary potential to fully actualize both the human and divine aspects of our nature.
Another perspective in Christianity that desperately needs to be reformed today is its attitude toward the natural world. Traditional Christian theology has emphasized man’s dominion over nature, contributing to his control and exploitation of the natural world. However, there are many other lesser known traditions within Christianity that perceive nature as a manifestation of the Divine and view humans in the role of nature’s stewards or caretakers. Today, the awareness of the integration of the masculine and feminine dimensions of deity, as expressed in “ChristoSophia,” also brings a renewed reverence for nature as a manifestation of the Divine. Sophia is the divinity that is present in all creation, the sacred energy that ensouls every created thing. As the feminine face of God, she is the mediator between the unknowable darkness of the Godhead and the world that we perceive. In this way the recognition of Sophia brings a renewed value for the feminine mode of intuitive and mystical experience. This way of knowing, often ignored or even discouraged by the Christian Church, is the fundamental means for exploring the inner spiritual paths. The path of ChristoSophia developed as a way to help restore the primacy of mystical experience for those seekers of the inner mysteries.
The path of ChristoSophia is a path of the heart: we follow Christ as the example of the inclusive way of love rather than the divisiveness that results from an insistence on doctrinal beliefs. Seekers on this path know that although we each have to make our own journey, it is necessary to help each other along the way. Because we emphasize spiritual experience rather than religious doctrines upon this path, our purpose is to share with and learn from each other. We use the symbols, rituals, and mythologies of Christian tradition as guideposts on the path, but are not limited by formal structures. We realize that as travelers on the spiritual bypaths we must also in effect become trailblazers. We must clear the bypaths that have become over-grown and little used so that they may be more readily traveled by others. We must create new blazes on the trail in the form of revitalized symbols which point to the mysteries at the center of the Christian tradition. We believe that the mythical message of Christianity is timeless and can continue to speak to us in profound ways in our modern age. But the myth must continue to evolve or else it loses its vitality and numinosity and power to inspire. We join together on the path of ChristoSophia in our attempt to serve as vehicles for the continued evolution of the Christian myth, which demands the inclusion of the feminine, the natural world, and the mystical in order to serve the needs of our contemporary world.
We believe that we can be co-workers with ChristoSophia and the company of Heaven to bring about the changes that are so urgently needed in our world today. On the path of ChristoSophia we work together for the transformation in our souls, and ultimately the transformation of humanity into a state of cooperation, peace, and harmony with all of creation. In this way we work toward fulfilling our evolutionary purpose of manifesting the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth, which will be accomplished through the birth of ChristoSophia – Love and Wisdom - within the human heart.
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The path of
is a path of spiritual
awakening that leads to
the discovery of the
divine within oneself
and all of creation.
The path of ChristoSophia is the inner path found within all authentic spiritualities

The name of "ChristoSophia” was explicitly chosen because it emphasizes the important balance between the masculine and feminine aspects of divinity.

On the path of ChristoSophia we work together for the transformation in our souls, and ultimately the transformation of humanity into a state of cooperation, peace, and harmony with all of creation.