
We welcome you to join with us as we explore the inner tradition of Christianity that we call the Path of ChristoSophia.

The name ChristoSophia includes both the masculine and feminine image of the divine. Sophia is the Greek name for the feminine figure of divine Wisdom in ancient Judaism. Many early Christians viewed the Christ as both the Word (Logos) and Wisdom (Sophia) of God. Including both Christ and Sophia in the name Christ-Sophia restores the Divine Feminine in Christianity. The Sophia that has always been acknowledged by esoteric Christianity is the key to unlock the Christian wisdom that is needed for our time. Recognizing the Sacred Feminine within Christian tradition leads to a renewed vision of the sacredness of the natural world and the value of mystical experience. The writings on this website and our publications explore topics that are central to this renewal:

the central concept of “sacred marriage” in mystical Christianity
the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene
the wisdom contained in gnostic Christianity
the symbol of the Holy Grail in Christian mysticism
the significance of the Green Man in Christian symbolism
the role of pilgrimage to sacred sites as a spiritual practice

We believe that the Feminine in dynamic relation with the Masculine is necessary for the transformation of human consciousness that is so desperately needed in our world. This is the great work for those who are walking on the path of ChristoSophia.

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Recognizing the Sacred Feminine within Christian tradition leads to a renewed vision of the sacredness of the natural world and the value of mystical experience.

Green Man Slide Show Link